Monday, December 31, 2012

2012 - Thankful!!

This year has had it's share of ups and downs...I've had some good days and not so good days.  I must admit that the good days carried me through the not so good days. 

I learned that with age comes wisdom.  I learned that I can make a difference in the lives of others.  I learned to make choices for my life and worry a little less about what others thought of my choices.

I laughed more.  I loved more.  I listened more.  I accepted more.

I shared my thoughts.  I shared information. 

I prayed everyday!  I prayed for others and I also prayed for myself.

I am filled with peace in knowing that my Lord is with me and I with Him.  I am filled with joy in knowing He died so that I may live.

As I journey through this life, I'll take 2012 with me!  Thankful!


Sunday, December 16, 2012

Gone too soon!

I have memories of my childhood, the memories of sheer freedom....

1.  I remember feeling like I could fly, as long as I was being held in my Daddy's arms, touching the ceiling of our home

2.  I remember feeling like I had the best Mama in the world.  She made delicious homemade biscuits, pork chops, and soup

3.  I enjoyed those lazy days of play - on my bike, in the dirt, kickball, hide and seek, cartwheels across the yard, pretending to be a mother...

4.  I loved spending time with my grandparents - my Granddaddy's smile, my Madea's flapjacks, and my Grandmama's pork and beans

5.  I spent days playing with my siblings, cousins, friends, or just on my own

6.  I said my prayers every night and we prayed in school

7.  I loved picking blackberries and pecans from trees

8.  I stayed outside until the street lights came on during the summer

9.  I indulged in tropical punch Kool-Aid

10.  We had the best shows on TV

As I grow and journey through this life, I realize how precious those times were.  Although my life wasn't perfect, as I've grown over the years, I realize no one's life is perfect.  But I lived a life freely with happiness and very few fears.  As a child, you are innocent, you are full of life, and you are loved.  I pray that we all experience love.

God's greatest gift to us all is love.  He gave us his son, Jesus who died for our sins.  We are allowed freedom beyond our dreams and still wake up living in fear and suffering because of a life gone too soon; but not just lives taken.  There are minds, souls lost.  If we could only let go of darkness and look for light.  Because when it's all said and done, we should never give up or never give in..
