Saturday, June 14, 2014

First Time Camper

Dear God!

Thank You for the most precious days!

I never imagined me, Jennifer, at anyone's camp, including Church Camp. I started out not really sure if I should go to camp at all. I was thinking, we're not going. I wasn't making the connection between church and camp. But then I started thinking, we should go. One day lead to another and I was talking to Laurie and later Gayle about maybe going and volunteering.

I remember praying and waiting for the knots in my stomach and the feeling of "what have I done". "I can't go to camp!!" Those feelings never came. I wonder sometimes if it's me or you Lord, leading me. This time I knew it was You! You know me, Lord, my quirks and my fears, but You never let me down.

Fast Forward and we are at Day 3 and camp is over, for now. I cannot express how much this experience meant to me. Lord, Thank You!

I shot a bow and arrow for the first time. I didn't hit the target, but I hit within that little big circle thing.

I feel muscles I didn't know I had...

I walked in the rain. I should have danced!

I met new people and got to know some people better!

I thought it was funny when I yelled out pink and blue to the girls as they were going to eat and they were a tad embarrassed for me.

I winced as they walked barefoot to the lake.

I was proud when they caught fish, but almost threw up when they kissed it.

I watched the boys proudly come back from sailing and boat rides. They loved every minute of the excitement!

I thoroughly enjoyed worship! We were outside in the woods on concrete singing, dancing, and praising the Lord!

I watched the kids dance, laugh, play, and meet new challenges each day! They were absolutely awesome! They were fearless!

The Youth Counselors were more than happy to help this rookie! They love the kids and the kids love them too!

As I took my last walk through CC #16, I looked at the empty bunks, remembered the laughter and the tears; plans for next year; the friendships and the prayers; the food, the spills and the late nights and early mornings. More than anything else God, I remember standing in the doorway as we were leaving for worship Tuesday evening after all the rain. I looked at the beautiful earth you've given us and was filled with the spirit of truth!

I can now make the connection with camp and God! My prayer is that our children make this connection too!

With Love from your Daughter, Jennifer!