Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy New Year!

I cannot believe it will be 2014 in less than an hour!  LOL!

I look back on this past year with a grateful heart.  God gave me such peace.  He truly showed me a new way to live and I thank Him..  I asked Him for something big and I believed He would give me something big and He did.   

I realized what's going to always work for me - love.  I feel so much better about myself when I love God and love others.  I spent time focused on scriptures about love and found peace each day when I centered my life on love (God). 

I renewed my focus on my blog and God turned it around.  He showed me where He wants me to be so He can grow me.  He has plans for me.

I really dived into social media this year.  I started off strong with YouTube and Blogs.  I was super big into blogs and vlogs focused on organizing!  I learned a lot about organizing my home, but didn't put much into practice.  I realized that I am organized to a certain extent, just not consistent.  There are some items in my home that have a place and there are others that are just out of place.

One of my biggest lessons  - if something doesn't' t work, try something else.  It didn't occur to me that I needed to make changes as needed or that it was okay to try something out first and then decide on a totally different solution.  I believed everything would stay in it's place.  It didn't.

I have plans for my organizing challenges in 2014...one project at a time.  I will schedule weekly projects with a breakout of each task.  This will ensure I am not overwhelmed and allow me to see progress with small steps!

I will slowly work my way back into an exercise routine.  I'm stuck in a rut and need to move out of it, I need a plan.  My first step is my diet.  I developed some good habits in 2011 and need to start again...

I love that about a new year, a new day, even a new hour, a chance to start again!

I am excited about the start of a new year.  There are endless possibilities for me...  I am looking ahead. 

I don't know what the next year will bring, but I am ready.   

I am ready to read the Verse of the Day from my YouVersion Bible App each morning.

I am ready to receive God's Word as my church goes through the Book of John.

I am ready to start a new Bible Study.

I am ready to wake up to the most beautiful sunrise.  I'll even take clouds.

I am ready to listen to Him and follow where He leads.

I am ready! 


In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly. Psalm 5:3

Saturday, December 14, 2013


I must say, today has been great!  I spent the day washing my hair, semi-cleaning the garage, pulling out the Christmas Tree, and decorating the tree.  I also had a late lunch with friends.  It was great because we were able to catch up!  I went to church for "A Royal Christmas" and had a late dinner with friends!  Dinner was good and the company, even better.  There's nothing like spending time with people who genuinely care for you!

I am writing this all down to say, I really did have a great day.

 But Today - Saturday, December 14, 2013.....

It's been a long time coming, but I had another good cry today.  I am so trying not to be sad.  I am just over it and want to get away from it all, but cannot.  I have to feel what I feel and then when I am ready, let it all go.  But this new life, new way of living, doesn't really let you "let go".  You sort of have to figure it out, but it's not truly letting go.

I miss my Granddaddy!  I miss our life, the life WE ALL shared for so many years.  It's not that I am not thankful for my days, it's just tougher.  I thought he'd be here forever.  He was the one we all knew would outlive each and every one of us.

The last few weeks have been tough.  I ended up with bronchitis.  Again.  I spent hours waiting to be seen by a doctor.  I complained about everything I had to do and all that I didn't get to do...I ran from a little dog.  I was genuinely terrified for 2 minutes.  I embarrassed myself and my family.  To sum it all up, I was tired so I spent my days whining because I just didn't have the strength for it all.  It's the time of year when it all runs together.

But you know, God.  He knows me and gives me His all.  I wouldn't have made it without Him.

Again, I am writing this all down to say, I really did have a great day.  I had a great week.

I was able to get a lot accomplished, both at work and at home.  I learned that I need to spend time encouraging and building up others in the faith (Romans 14).  We really do need one another.  My kid laughed at me because I ran from a dog.  I laughed too!  I slept in today.  My hair looks great.  I learned that I must practice speaking intelligently because I'll have more opportunities to speak out loud to other people on specific topics.  I listened to some of the most beautiful music about my God.  I finished my antibiotics.

I lived!  I am still here!

The God of peace be with all of you. Amen.  Romans 15:33 (HCSB)